Tag Archives: real estate business network

One Agency more commission in your wallet

Your tax return doesn’t lie

Real estate is a numbers game. But it’s possible you’ve fallen into the trap of looking at the wrong numbers. I know I once did.

Years ago, when I was a principal, I thought the key to success was sales, sales and more sales. Then one day, though, it hit me like a brick in the back of the head: it’s not what you make, it’s what you keep that counts.

Let me run two scenarios by you, and you tell me which sounds better:

  • Scenario 1: You make $100 in sales, but you pay out $85 in costs, (rent and other expenses), leaving you with $15.
  • Scenario 2: You make $90 in sales, but your costs are $60, leaving you with $30
One Agency more commission in your wallet

Your tax return doesn’t lie

Real estate is a numbers game. But it’s possible you’ve fallen into the trap of looking at the wrong numbers. I know I once did.

Years ago, when I was a principal, I thought the key to success was sales, sales and more sales. Then one day, though, it hit me like a brick in the back of the head: it’s not what you make, it’s what you keep that counts.

Let me run two scenarios by you, and you tell me which sounds better:

  • Scenario 1: You make $100 in sales, but you pay out $85 in costs, (rent and other expenses), leaving you with $15.
  • Scenario 2: You make $90 in sales, but your costs are $60, leaving you with $30
Google Img PaulD

Group boss tells agents how to prepare for changes in 2022

The founder and CEO of One Agency has warned real estate professionals to start preparing for a very different and possibly slower market in 2022.

Paul Davies’ forecast, based on numerous indicators, price growth may slow in 2022. Traditionally, first in the capital cities and then the regions, and that days on market, accordingly, would increase. As a result, agents and principals will have to manage an environment with less turnover.

Mr Davies gave five reasons why he expected a slowdown in 2022.

“More stock is reportedly already coming onto the market. That means buyers can be more discerning and won’t have the same fear of missing out (FOMO) they experienced throughout 2021,” he said.

“Finance will become harder to get and more expensive. APRA tightened lending criteria in late 2021 and might do more tightening in 2022. Meanwhile, interest rates are likely to drift higher, continuing a trend that started in late 2021”.

“At the same time, there will be more talk about the Reserve Bank increasing the cash rate. That will be enough to dampen buyer confidence – even if the rate rise fails to occur.”

Mr Davies said the 2022 federal election would also negatively affect the market.

“If there’s one thing I’ve learned during my half-century in real estate, it’s that a lot of buyers suspend their decision-making before and after an election, as they wait to see how things will play out,” he said.


Mortgage brokers reveal why they’re getting into real estate

A tightening regulatory and lending environment has left many mortgage brokers struggling to grow their earnings. 

Now two leading brokers say they’ve found a solution to this problem – and the answer lies in real estate. 

After all, brokers and agents deal with the same clients – just at different stages in the property cycle. So it’s by no means a stretch to see how setting up an agency can increase and diversify a broker’s revenue stream. 

Doing more for your clients 

Martin Walmsley worked at a big four bank before jumping the fence to become a mortgage broker. Late last year, he added another string to his bow: real estate. 


Andrew Johns Photoadj

How switching real estate brands gave me the value I was looking for

Back in 1997 when I first became principal, it made sense to join a long-established franchise group. They provided me with the tools I needed for my business to grow and succeed. And it did, as my agency quickly became one of the leading franchise offices for this national brand. 

But that was then – and the internet has completely reshaped the property landscape in the subsequent years.

Everything’s online. And not just the homes we sell and rent, but also all the technology, systems, forms and documents you need to run your business successfully.

Rob Groat Real Estate Franchise

Real Estate Franchise Principal Moves to One Agency

Prior to joining One Agency in January 2016, Rob Groat owned a Ray White franchise.

He wanted to seek a break from the traditional real estate franchise model which was becoming restrictive, increasing in cost and less personal to work under.  

Rob, who has been in real estate since January 2003, and his business partner, Tom Paton, opened One Agency Albury Wodonga on the border of Victoria and NSW. The opportunity to gain full control of their business and yet have the support of modern technology and marketing – plus the fact that they retain 100% of commission – were both major draw cards in their decision to join One Agency.

“We briefly thought about starting up as an independent agency,” says Rob, “but the work and worry of setting up the support structures and systems soon ruled that out. After a good deal of research we just couldn’t find any negative reason to not want to join One Agency and we had no concerns from that point that this was the correct move to make for our business.”

Making the decision to commit to a new career move is often terrifying. With a supportive network of fellow One Agency members, however, Rob was both well informed and well prepared when it came to making the final choice. Before opening the Albury Wodonga agency, he said he spoke to “6 to 8 established offices [of One Agency]”, all in various areas of Australia. Along with One Agency’s efficient and streamlined setup, the initial process ran – asserts Rob – ‘smoothly’.

Despite a smooth setup process and a supportive list of contacts, leaving a big agency like Ray White doesn’t come without an inevitable barrage of ‘what if’s?’ For Rob, it was a little under 5 years before he was finally able to put his desire to leave the company into action. Initially, fearing the enormity of setting up as an independent agency, he considered signing a new franchise. Fortunately, that changed when he was made aware of the One Agency brand and the freedom it would allow him as an agent and business owner.

Real Estate Business Cashflow

FREE Real Estate Business Cashflow & Cost Forecast 2016

It’s that time of year when many of us reassess where our lives are heading, when we might consider making a few changes for the better and set some goals.

If you’re a real estate agent who works for someone else, then you are part of your employer’s wealth creation process. And that can be fine for a while, especially at the start of your real estate career when you need someone to show you the ropes.

But when you start to feel as though you are putting copious amounts of your blood sweat and tears into someone else’s business, along with long hours, and the rewards just aren’t enough, then it may be time to consider setting up your own real estate business.

We will share a suggested real estate business cashflow spreadsheet and a cost forecast for 2016 at the end of this article, to help you get started with planning the financial side of opening a new venture.

Running your own business is one of the most rewarding things you will ever do, yes it can be hard, but most challenges are, and we develop and grow by setting ourselves new challenges to overcome. All you really need is the ability to list and sell property. If you’re confident that you have that skill, then the other requirements for business ownership can be learned, coached or outsourced.

Real Estate Business

A New Year’s Revolution in Real Estate for 2016

If you want to have a more secure future as a real estate agent, then you may be considering how you can create a new year’s revolution and build a profitable and sustainable real estate business.

Many people don’t realise that running a business is actually within their ability, dismissing the idea without properly exploring and understanding what it’s really about, before making an informed decision whether or not it may suit them.

But the fear of doing something is always greater than actually doing it. You don’t know that you can’t do something until you’ve tried. Running a business is now easier and more affordable than ever before, but how do you get started? Independent or Franchise?

In the real estate industry it’s almost impossible, as an independent agency, to compete with the big franchises in your local marketplace.

Buying into an established franchise is both constraining and costly, so we’ve created a business model with One Agency, that is seen by real estate industry observers as the Disrupter model for our industry. A disrupter business strategy radically changes a product and service in an industry, replacing the old with the new.

At One Agency we are different and we love the fact that we are different. We’re a licensing arrangement, not a franchise, and offer a more efficient and economical solution for agents where you can operate your own business at a fraction of the cost of a usual real estate business and keep 100% of your fees.

Real Estate Franchise

Why Traditional Real Estate Franchise Models Are Outdated

Running a franchise real estate business can be costly, but it’s almost impossible, as a new independent agency, to compete with the big franchises in the local marketplace. We’d go so far as to say franchise models are outdated.

Buying into established franchise models is an obvious way to get set up, but it’s both constraining and expensive.

Typically, if you run a franchise business, you are faced with brand restrictions and high costs. You’ll have to pay a percentage of your income to the franchise and they usually work on a penalty system. The more you make, the more you pay with multiple fees involved. 

There’s on-going reporting, operating parameters and expensive shop-front leases plus fit outs to be paid for. You must keep your expenses well under the expected income you can generate to have a profitable and sustainable business.

Lindy Harris One Agency

Why One Agency is the Perfect Fit for Real Estate Business

Lindy Harris found the perfect fit for real estate and started her real estate business with One Agency after working for an independent real estate agency where she ran the sales department.

“I figured that I might as well be doing it for myself, I’d always thought that I would open my own business one day and when I came across One Agency it seemed like the perfect fit for real estate and for me.”

Lindy opened One Agency Lindy Harris in the NSW Hunter Valley region, covering the Singleton, Broke and Branxton areas in February 2015.

She discovered the brand after attending a Lee Woodward seminar. Lee introduced her to Paula Taylor, who was one of the first members of the One Agency group.

Peter Vasiliou One Agency

Why This Agent Started His Own Real Estate Business With One Agency

Each month we interview ONE of our members to discover their story and have them share their experience of setting up their own real estate business with One Agency.

Under the spotlight this month is Peter Vasiliou from One Agency Peter Vasiliou, from Wentworthville in the Western suburbs of Sydney. Peter has been a real estate agent for the past 17 years and has had his real estate business with One Agency for more than two years.

What do you love about your work in real estate? What drives you?
I’ve been in the business since 1998 and still love it because of the flexibility and freedom it gives me. I’m driven by results and good customer service.

What attracted you to the One Agency business model?
The ability to be your own boss with a great business model behind you and the fact that I can run the business in the way I want to.

One Agency Real Estate Group Showing Rapid Growth

We held our second One Agency Conference of 2014 at The Westin in Sydney last week with rapid growth and a record number of attendees in excess of 100 people. Managing Director, Paul Davies says:

“I can’t tell you how delighted we were with our ‘ONE Big Conference’, how inspiring it was to us and also to our members. We are seeing a rapid rate of growth which shows that ONE Agency has come a long way over the past five years. Membership is increasing steadily and we are on track to again double our numbers this calendar year.”

Most attendees agreed that Dr Fred Grosse was the highlight of the day. For those of you who couldn’t make it, we will be sharing the audio recordings of Dr. Grosse’s sessions very soon. The One Agency Member Panel boasted Anita Ellis-Case, Stephan Siegfried, Andrew Reeves, Vince Salvatore and Scott Crossman as contributors. This is always an extremely popular segment as members discuss their experience, videos and marketing ideas and share stories of their journey since joining the group.

One of our members said that they felt it was great value for money having seen Dr Fred Grosse on several previous occasions, at a much higher cost and his presentation at our conference was the best. Here’s some other feedback from our members:

One Agency Lindi Kim Sing

One Agent Loves The Freedom Offered By One Agency

Lindi Kim Sing first heard of One Agency when attending a Lee Woodwards Real Estate Academy training session. 

She noticed a number of One Agency Members, Tina Lee, Tony Quattroville, plus members from various Central Coast offices and on one of the days, she sat and chatted with them over lunch. 

“I liked the clever brand name of One Agency and we got talking about it, but using a franchise wasn’t a consideration for me at the time, as didn’t want to be tied up with the restrictions that it might have involved.”

Although One Agency isn’t a traditional franchise, Lindi was concerned about the potential restrictive nature of joining a real estate brand. She considered going out on her own even going into partnership with another local agent.  

In the end, it was a date that was the deciding factor for Lindi in setting up with One Agency and she joined on the 1st July 2014.

Prior to that Lindi had worked briefly with LJ Hooker in Balmain and for four years with Coopers Agency. Before setting up her business, One Agency Lindi Kim Sing in the inner-west of Sydney, Lindi spent three months working out where she would position herself in the market. She realised that the boutique agencies in her area are no longer boutique in their approach and so she found her point of difference and wrote a book called “House Proud”, which she uses alongside her pre-listing kit.

Trevor Manwarring One Agency

Real Estate Business: We Ask Trevor Manwarring Why One Agency?

Each month we interview ONE of our members to discover their story and have them share their experience with us.

Under the spotlight this month is Trevor Manwarring from One Agency Manwarring Property Group in the Northern Rivers region of NSW, where he covers the areas of  Wollongbar, Alstonville, Goonellabah, Ballina and Lismore.

Trevor has worked in real estate sales for 19 years and he joined One Agency in September 2013. We asked Trevor to share his experience with us.

What do you love about your work in real estate? What drives you?
Helping people, whether buying or selling. I enjoy being able to help by taking away a lot of their stress and by guiding them in the right direction.

What attracted you to the One Agency business model?
I was in a position to stay where I was working at another agency and get no further ahead or go out and do my own thing, so I heard about One Agency and I contacted Paul Davies by phone. After a long discussion he convinced me to go to Sydney to one of their conferences to speak to other members that were already involved with the group as well as to get to meet Paul in person. The thing that impressed me the most was Paul’s vision and he also was quite particular on who joined the group to protect the name and its members. When I finished the conference I had no doubt about my future with One Agency and joined approximately one month later.

How is the brand working for you?
The brand has been excellent, people comment all the time how sharp it looks and how it stands out from our competitors. We even find that older people find it easier to read with the One Agency colours!

Would you recommend One Agency to others?
Yes, definitely. I always speak highly about the back up from Head Office and all of the other members, you only have to email or *Facebook or even call and there is always someone there to help. At One Agency we are all ONE. 

* One Agency has a closed Facebook Group Page where members can share ideas and knowledge between themselves, it’s a useful tool.

What do you think keeps your prospective vendors awake at night when they are considering listing their property?
Which agent should I be trusting with my biggest investment that I own to not just sell it, but to give the service and feedback that they expect and the best value in todays market.

News from One Agency Real Estate Group

Tom Panos Rocks the One Agency Conference at Surfers Paradise

We’ve had some fantastic feedback from our two-day conference and would like thank everyone who attended and helped to make it such a successful event.

“Our very first two-day interstate conference was a major success. From the amazing speakers like Tom Panos, who nobody ever tires of seeing, he is simply inspiring every single time, to our surprise speaker Dane Atherton, who also was a stand out. Gary Pittard also shared his vast knowledge providing a diversity of information. 

Julie Davis and Neil Williams provided a valuable personality profile, which is great to assist in staff selection. Denise Stanley also helped keep our members businesses compliant. Advenda announced a new economical price structure and Tony Chadwick from Rype Ideas discussed the advantages of Google Apps, which is included in the email accounts for members. The number ONE attraction was the sharing and learning session from our very own members. 

The evening soirée was our first such event and thanks to Annie was a great success. Kate Maday and husband Andrew took out the best dressed. The One Agency ‘family’ shared and cared for each other as we always do and a lot of laughs were had by all. 
One Agency to the fore!” Paul and Annie Davies.

Martin Merrit One Agency

Why Did Martin Merritt Choose Real Estate Brand One Agency?

Martin Merritt  joined One Agency in January 2014 after co-owning a Bevan’s franchise in the Illawarra Region.

‘I already had the premises and clientele I just needed the boutique brand and support without giving profit away.’ – Martin Merritt

Martin considered both the McGrath and Belle franchise models, but found it hard to justify the fees and restrictions. There were already three One Agency offices in the region and so he took a look at the One Agency business model and liked what he saw. He now owns One Agency Southern Division and they cover the south of Wollongong to Shellharbour.

‘I knew most of the OA members in my area and they have been an amazing support and really made me and my team feel welcome.’

One Agency fundraising for the Great Illawarra Walk

ONE Big Helping Hand – Local Community Fundraising

Whether your motives are humanitarian or professional, getting involved in the local community at a volunteer level offers a variety of benefits.

There are two types of community involvement that real estate agents typically gravitate toward. The first is donating money to a cause, which is admirable and a boon to the charity recipient yet it involves very little effort beyond writing a cheque. Then there is hands-on volunteerism: the getting your hands dirty, joining in nitty-gritty of community involvement.

Both types of charitable donation are great but the latter is hands down better for your real estate business. The type of giving back that puts you face-to-face with groups of people who may turn into clients is good for business.

So charitable involvement or donation in the real estate world isn’t completely altruistic?

It may well start out as a selfless desire to give to others, but side benefits of community involvement include the fact that it’s a fabulous way to generate leads, get your name linked to the local community and increase your brand reach and public persona.

One Agency Christmas Wreath

Christmas Cheer after a Fantastic Year for One Agency

Christmas is almost here after an extremely busy and productive year at One Agency.

We’ve seen tremendous growth in the business and 2014 is already shaping up as we continue to welcome new members into our group.

We ran two very successful conferences in July and November at Brighton Le Sands which had record attendance and a great deal of knowledge sharing among our members. One of the big advantages of joining One Agency is the mutually supportive culture of our group and I’m pleased to say that this goes from strength to strength as we grow. 

Tom Panos presented at both conferences, he gave us many useful tools to help build and grow both our businesses and our lives. If you’d like a recap of his presentations or if you didn’t make it to the conferences you can watch some videos we made of him here.

News from One Agency Real Estate Group

One Agency – News from Head Office November 2013

We are looking forward to seeing many of you at our upcoming conference 28th November 2013 at the Novotel Brighton Beach. 

Tom Panos is back to present by popular demand and we have a great day planned for all our members. Steve Carroll, Head of Sales Residential North at realestate.com.au will present after lunch and then a session with Joshua Hodge, State Sales Manager NSW/ACT for RP Data. You will have received an email announcing our new and enhanced RP Data Subscription for all our One Agency members at a greatly discounted fee – contact Head Office for further information.

Tony Chadwick Co-Founder of Rype Ideas –  a new fresh IT technology business offering Apple-centric and cloud based business and creative solutions will present “Work in the Future Today”. It’ll be a great session.

The day concludes with a sharing and learning session before heading up to the bar for some festive cheer!

We have a new product catalogue launching next week with some great new items:

  • Running Singlets
  • Corporate Ladies Scarf
  • Corporate  Mens Ties
  • ONE Agency Branded Ribbons 
  • OA One Big Thank You A6 Card & Envelope 
  • OA ONE Big Thank you wine box 
  • OA Wine Bags and tissue 
  • OA Document Bag
  • OA Document Box
  • OA A6 Note Card
  • OA A4 Note Pads
  • OA Post it Notes

We love the new bunting! There are also document boxes arriving early next week. Email us by clicking here if you would like to make an order.

At One Agency we are always open for a conversation, so if you have anything to say in response or have any questions, please contact us.

T  1300 79 23 88 
T  +61 2 8039 2110 (International)


One Agency Annette Pinkerton

One Great Agent – Annette Pinkerton Q&A

Each month we interview ONE of our members to discover their story and have them share their experience with us.

Under the spotlight this month is Annette Pinkerton from One Agency Pinkerton Properties in Newcastle, NSW.

Annette has worked in real estate for the last 4 years and joined One Agency in August 2013. We asked Annette to share her experience with us.

What do you love about your work in real estate? What drives you?
I’m happiest when I’m helping people whatever it is. But I’d have to say I’ve always had an interest in houses and property from a very early age when I would build a floor plan in the back yard out of fallen pine needles and pretend it was my cubby house. A few years later and a little bit older and I would draw house plans from scratch in front of the telly of a night – I remember always starting with the kitchen.

What drives me today is to continue to be a role model to my children, now young adults, that you can accomplish anything you put your mind to and follow through with action. 

What attracted you to the One Agency business model?
The business model made sense to me.  It allows me and my business to keep evolving with changing times. I’m not dictated to as how and what I can and cant do and yet I have the support of Paul Davies and the head office team as well as other principals and One Agency business owners who truly want me to succeed in my business. The One Agency marketing is as modern, clean, fresh and alive as the model. 

How is the brand working for you?
The brand is working exceptionally well for me. It stands out from most brands and everyone remarks on One Agency marketing. Comments are that it is striking and suits my personality and style! It’s reflective of me, congruent with my image and in line with my values. All remarks about the brand has been more positive than I could imagine.

Would you recommend One Agency to others? 
I have no hesitation in recommending One Agency to others. One Agency has provided me with flexibility, options and a balanced lifestyle. 

What do you think keeps your prospective vendors awake at night when they are considering listing their property?
Hopefully my prospective vendors are sleeping knowing that they’re on the right track in selecting me as their choice of agent. Having said that though, I think most prospective vendors have the fear of underselling their property or the fear of not being able to find the right agent.

News from One Agency Real Estate Group

One Agency News from Head Office August 2013

If you missed our conference on July 4th, we are pleased to offer an overview of Tom Panos’ presentation, split over 3 videos:

Sales Scripts & Dialogues | Attracting Business & Marketing | How to be the Best Version of You 

We’re excited to announce that by popular demand from all who attended, Tom Panos has agreed to come and speak at our next conference on 28th November 2013 at the Novotel Brighton Beach.

His last presentation was both inspirational and motivational and we look forward to hearing more from him, so don’t miss out and add the 28th November to your diary now. We recommend that you book seats in advance as numbers have more than doubled at each event we’ve held so far.

We are also thrilled to announce that the business is growing at record speed: we’ve received 9 licenses in 9 days!  We are please to welcome Michael Potter in Canberra South, ACT and Tracey Goodwin in Main Beach, QLD. Also joining us in the ACT is Scott Crossman.

Vanessa Denison Pender One Agency

One Great Agent – Vanessa Denison-Pender

Each month we interview ONE of our members to discover their story and have them share their experience with us.

Under the spotlight this month is Vanessa Denison-Pender from One Agency Denison-Pender Property,  specialising in properties located from Stanwell Park to Woonona in the northern area of the Illawarra, NSW.

Vanessa has been in real estate for 10 years and she established her One Agency office just under 12 months ago, after being very active agents in the local area with leading franchises such as Ray White and McGrath.

What do you love about your work in real estate? What drives you?
I love real estate because you get to work with real people in real life situations, people needing homes for their families, downsizing their needs, accommodating the elderly, buying and renting investment properties etc. etc and so it goes on.  I love being part of my local community. 

What attracted you to the One Agency business model?
The simplicity of the model and knowing that I’ve been doing it so long now that it really was time to do it for myself.  The One Agency model is a perfect vehicle that allows established agents to take the next step and the people are so nice too!

How is the brand working for you?
It’s a great brand that people seem to be recognising as a new ‘boutique’ style of agency.  We keep a simple, hands-on approach.  Being business owners attention to detail and client care is our guiding principle.

Would you recommend One Agency to others?
Absolutely, if you’re thinking ‘I can do this for myself’ it’s probably time to do it. Back yourself and get on with it.  It’s a bit scary, but worth it.  You get to have a great business and even better lifestyle.  Instead of giving away 50% of your hard earned commission and selling twice as many homes, you can sell less and still earn the same amount!  As my partner says, ‘it’s a no brainer’.

What do you think keeps your prospective vendors awake at night when they are considering listing their property?
Will my agent give my property the service I’m looking for or just treat me a just another sale? How important is my business to them?

News from One Agency Real Estate Group

One Agency – News from Head Office June 2013

In this edition of News from One Agency Head Office, we’ve welcomed more agents into the fold over the past few months including Peter & Angie Robinson from Western Australia.

In Tasmania, Phillip Kelly is setting up a second business to cover the Hobart area in addition to the Southern Tasmanian regions of Sorell and Bellerive. Annette Pinkerton also joins us in Newcastle and made the move to set up her own business with One Agency earlier in June.

Annette has worked in real estate for the past 4 years with Century 21 and has a diverse background in finance, sales & marketing, people management and training across a broad range of industries. 

Although her real estate experience is recent, Annette has an impeccable sales history spanning 20 years and since entering the industry she’s received many awards. 

Bulli Burn

The One Agency Bulli Burn – May 26th 2013

The One Agency Bulli Burn is a 5 & 10km fun run held on the south coast of NSW starting and finishing at the northern tip of Bulli Beach, Sandon Point.

The ‘Burn’ comes from the hill that competitors must tackle at the very beginning and again at the finish of the run. The track follows the coastal strip from Bulli to Thirroul boasting exceptional views of the ocean and escarpment.

2011 was The Burn’s debut year and attracted over 300 entrants, it grew in 2012 and organisers now expect 2013 to be an even bigger successful community event. Catering for the experienced runner through to the novice, all are welcome to join in the fun.

The event has been sponsored by local real estate businesses; One Agency Denison-Pender Property, One Agency Sally Absalom and One Agency Zeidler & Hayman. The principals of these agencies – Vanessa Denison-Pender, Sally Absalom, Aron Hayman and Christian Zeidler enjoy a reputation as high achievers. Engaging and highly energetic, they are known for their marketing and negotiating skills. Above all else, they bring a wealth of experience and skill to their roles as principals in their own One Agency businesses.

This year the 5km event has been named the ‘Burn for Mark’ and is dedicated to 2011’s winner Mark Scott who is currently recovering from a serious cycling accident which happened in June 2011. $5 from every registration at this year’s Bulli Burn go to the Mark Scott Trust Fund & will assist in the ongoing care and treatment for Mark and support for his young family.


At One Agency we are always open for a conversation, so if you have anything to say in response or have any questions, please contact us.

T  1300 79 23 88 
+61 2 8039 2110 (International)


Dean Harper portrait

ONE Great Agent – Dean Harper Q&A

Each month we interview ONE of our members to discover their story and have them share their experience with us.

Under the spotlight this month is Dean Harper from One Agency Launceston in Tasmania. Dean has been in real estate since 2002 and he joined One Agency with his father, Peter Harper in July 2011.

What do you love about your work in real estate? What drives you?
I love waking up each day and not knowing exactly how it’s going to turn out! I love the thrill of the chase. A lot of our work is following up with both vendors and buyers. Creating a sale after following up with a buyer and leading them towards a purchase is so rewarding, because you’ve helped them to end up with a home they love.

Becoming the best agent and having the best agency in my area is what motivates me. I want our little boutique office to be a real challenger to the other companies in our city, and that’s what really drives me. Competition!

What attracted you to the One Agency business model?
I loved the brand. I loved the fact that we keep 100% of our fees. I love the support we give each other and being surrounded by other agents who are doing the same thing as me, running their own business!

How is the brand working for you?
Excellent!  It totally backs up what we stand for, quality, simplicity and service.

Would you recommend One Agency to others?
Definitely! If you are sick of giving away a large slice of your hard earned commission to a brand that does nothing for you, then One Agency is definitely for you. It is so rewarding to put a deal together and then retain 100% of your fees.

What do you think keeps your prospective vendors awake at night when they are considering listing their property?
Will they get the price they want and how much are they going to have to pay an agent. I think people worry about the state of the market and if it’s a good time to sell or not. They sometimes think that if they wait the market will get better but they mightwait anywhere from 2-5 years before things pick up. At the end of the day if you are buying and selling in the same market it all balances out. If you have to take less for your home, then the home that you are buying will come down in price also, same as in a booming market – if you get more you will pay more too!

One Agency Group Real Estate Agent Job security

Job Security in the Real Estate Industry?

Are you a real estate agent and feeling undervalued or uncertain with your job security in your role with your current employer?

Or are you a real estate business owner who is swamped by massive overheads that are eating into your profits?

I meet a lot of agents and business owners who are disenchanted with the actual profit they get to take home at the end of each working week. Many established agents bring great financial reward to their employers putting in hard graft only to see a big chunk of their commissions going towards funding the bosses European holidays or luxury cars.

Dealing with the inequities on the sales room floor is why so many (and often very talented agents) burn out and leave the profession. There can often be internal politics, fighting for listings, losing hard worked territories after re-structures or simply being overlooked and undervalued with the goal posts constantly moving.

As an agent you may think you’re secure but you’re completely at the mercy of the business owner. But that’s no fault of the business owner, I’ve been both and employee and an owner and I’ve made some obvious mistakes along the way. So I’m not pointing any fingers here. It’s just the way the real estate business is set up.