Whether your motives are humanitarian or professional, getting involved in the local community at a volunteer level offers a variety of benefits.
There are two types of community involvement that real estate agents typically gravitate toward. The first is donating money to a cause, which is admirable and a boon to the charity recipient yet it involves very little effort beyond writing a cheque. Then there is hands-on volunteerism: the getting your hands dirty, joining in nitty-gritty of community involvement.
Both types of charitable donation are great but the latter is hands down better for your real estate business. The type of giving back that puts you face-to-face with groups of people who may turn into clients is good for business.
So charitable involvement or donation in the real estate world isn’t completely altruistic?
It may well start out as a selfless desire to give to others, but side benefits of community involvement include the fact that it’s a fabulous way to generate leads, get your name linked to the local community and increase your brand reach and public persona.

If you’re ready to get involved in your community, whether out of the goodness of your heart or to network for leads, finding an opportunity isn’t difficult.
Martin Merritt of One Agency Southern Division in the Illawarra is on the committee for the Great Illawarra Walk, which recently raised over $88,000 for the Neo Natal Ward of Wollongong Hospital. Martin got involved out of a desire to give back to the local community.
“I am involved in numerous charities but generally choose cancer or children related. I find that money is not the only way to help charities and while we do invest money we also invest a lot of time. I do this as Martin Merritt, not as a Real Estate Agent to win business. However, due to the abundance theory and the philosophy that givers gain; winning business from this is an organic by product.”
A total of four One Agency offices in the Illawarra were involved on the day, taking registrations, manning the water stops and handing out water to walkers along the way.
One Agency The Forest have just been announced by Domain.com.au as the 3rd most successful agency on the Northern Beaches of Sydney out of 56 contenders.
They recently helped raise more than $46,000 for the Arranbounbai School, a specialist school for kids with disabilities. Partners in the business, Michael Lister and Chris Naylor both support a variety of causes by offering their skills as auctioneers and helping to promote fundraisers in the local community.
“We get involved because we feel that in helping the various schools in the area (we sponsor 3 of them), that we become a greater part of our community. By being involved we have found that we are more recognised, not only as agents in the area but as people and as such, we are much more approachable. A simple trip, though our local shopping village in search of coffee, becomes a meet and greet that can stretch into an hour long chat and that has helped to grow our business”
If you’re ready to get involved in your community, whether out of the goodness of your heart or to network for leads, finding an opportunity isn’t difficult. Search for local charities and events to volunteer for on Google or check out some national events here.
At One Agency we are always open for a conversation, so if you have anything to say in response or have any questions, please contact us.
T 1300 79 23 88
T +61 2 8039 2110 (International)