Tag Archives: Spring Market

Spring Market

Styling Tips for the end of Winter and start of the Spring Market

Winter is a great time to sell property, before the Spring market takes off and is flooded with listings.

As a busy Property Makeover Specialist there are two weeks of the year where I normally try to grab a quick break, during the July school holidays, prior to being rushed off our feet preparing properties for the oncoming Spring market. This year I only managed four days and they’ve become a distant memory already!
We have had a number of owners who’ve recently sold with great results, who now believe me when I say ‘don’t delay’! Winter is a fantastic time to sell. Why wait until everyone else is on the market and purchasers are more in the driving seat? At BG Property Styling we are smack bang in the middle of preparing for auction campaigns that are booked for the last available Saturday prior to the Spring holidays.
There are differing opinions about how to manage an early Spring sale. I’ll share some must haves from a presentation perspective; gardens are coming into their finest. Remind your vendors to attend the maintenance and presentation schedule a.s.a.p, as gardens will benefit from nurturing early. It’s also important to pay attention to the aspect and time of day for the Spring sun.