It’s that crazy time of year again as we run around in preparation for the festivation season, attending school concerts and braving the Christmas shopping queues.
I’m sure that you’re all busy making sure that your sales, rentals and businesses are managed through the holidays of this festive season.
We’ve had another extremely productive year here at One Agency and have almost doubled the number of members joining the group. With one new member from the Northern Territory, we are now in all States and Territories of Australia.
Rita and Karin have been joined at Head Office this year by Therese, Emma and Darelle. Between them, they’ve managed the huge growth we’ve seen, and I thank them all for their contribution to our group. The One Agency brand is getting more and more exposure in the market place and we look forward to welcoming in more real estate professionals in 2015.
With enquiries pouring in from across the Tasman, we are also investigating establishing operations in New Zealand, to offer these real estate agents the same great opportunity as our Australian members.
Many of you will be pleased to hear that we’ve been working on the new One Agency website and it’s looking great. It will be a beautiful design, easy to navigate and have lots of excellent new features. Launch is due early in the New Year.

One of the big advantages of joining One Agency is the mutually supportive culture of our group and I’m pleased to say that this continues to go from strength to strength as we grow.
We also had two very successful conferences, one in July at Surfers Paradise and another in November at The Westin Hotel in Sydney, both of which had record attendance and saw a great deal of knowledge sharing among our members. One of the big advantages of joining One Agency is the mutually supportive culture of our group and I’m pleased to say that this continues to go from strength to strength as we grow. Thank you to those who attended and shared their experience and knowledge with us all.
Tom Panos presented at our July conference and as always, he gave us great insight and motivation to help build and grow both our businesses and our lives. We were lucky enough to have Dr Fred Grosse speak at our November conference and he also brought valuable tools to our members in helping us to set and achieve goals for greater financial security. If you missed out on Dr Fred, you can find the links to listen to his presentation on our closed Facebook page.
Please note that our conference for 2015 will no longer be in May on the Gold Coast – we are rescheduling it to mid-August in Sydney and will keep you posted as soon as we have firm dates and a venue to report.
We continue to build and grow our social media channels with the help of our Media Consultant, Susanne Mitchell, who brings us industry news and knowledge via our social media, produces our videos, writes our content and will be managing our PR next year. Susanne has worked with me over the past months on writing a book about how to run a profitable real estate business. We will let you know once we have a release date.
Thank you to all our members who contributed to our agent interviews. We’re looking forward to showcasing more of you over the next 12 months and would welcome your feedback for other topics you would like to see us cover in 2015. Check out our blog pages here and our videos here.
It’s been the most fantastic year here at One Agency and I’m proud of the way we continue to grow and support each other. I’d like to wish you and your families a safe and happy holiday season and I look forward to talking with you again in the New Year.
Paul Davies
Founder & CEO One Agency
At One Agency we are always open for a conversation, so if you have anything to say in response or have any questions, please contact us.
T 1300 79 23 88
T +61 2 8039 2110 (International)