Category Archives: Real Estate Brand

The rise of the personal real estate brand

The rise of the personal real estate brand

Personal branding is growing in popularity and importance in the real estate world, with agents who can promote themselves successfully reaping huge benefits.

One of the key aspects of the personal brand is making sure that it’s you who’s getting the biggest benefit, rather than someone else in your office or further up the real estate chain.

Many successful agents already have a business model in place, even if it’s under someone else’s banner, which means promoting yourself can boost your own numbers and make the eventual transition to running your own real estate business all the easier.

What are the benefits of personal branding?

For new real estate agents, working under someone else’s brand is a great idea. It means you can learn the ropes under an experienced principal’s wing, have the security of a base salary and get a marketing budget to make use of. This is a low-risk approach that allows you to earn your stripes and get a feel for the industry.

As you grow as an agent and gain experience, many industry professionals make the transition to becoming their own Pty Ltd, register for their full real estate license and start to advertise themselves as a personal brand or as a team. All while working for someone else.

One Agnecy Burnie Real Estate Business

Real Estate Business Was A Leap Of Faith That Paid Off

Matt and Jenna Grice started One Agency Burnie in Tasmania from home in 2015.

Two and a half years on, they have a staff of 15 and two offices, one in Burnie and the other in Wynyard. This dynamic young couple are busy building a strong and sustainable real estate business that allows them a fabulous lifestyle.

“Looking back now I don’t know why we were so worried about it,” says Matt, with seven years experience in the industry under his belt and had worked for Harcourts before setting up their own operation.

“It’s the biggest thing we’ve ever done and we should have done it sooner. The turnaround was so fast, we literally blinked and the next minute were up and running.”

Matt and Jenna loved the fresh and striking branding and also the traction that One Agency Launceston were making in establishing the brand in the state, so they made enquiries into a license and were up and running within three months.

“If we had known three years ago what our life would look like now, it definitely wasn’t this,” says Matt.

Jenna is also thrilled with the results, “We wouldn’t have the lifestyle we have today without One Agency,” she says.

Nick Alexopoulos

Easy Transition from Agent to Real Estate Business Owner

Nick Alexopoulos set up his own One Agency real estate business in January 2017.

He admits to having been extremely nervous at the idea of becoming a real estate business owner, but after speaking with Paul Davies, the Founder & CEO of One Agency, he felt confident in making the leap.

“I had some friends who had already set up with One Agency, and their success and enthusiasm about the group made me take a good look at what was on offer,” says Nick. “Once I joined the transition was so easy that I kicked myself that I hadn’t done it earlier!”

Nick looked at a few of the traditional franchise models, but there was no comparison for him, as One Agency offered him a low cost business model, that allowed him to keep his entire commission and the flexibility to run his own race without intervention. He had complete freedom to build his business at his own pace.

“The main factor in my decision was that there was no requirement for me to have a shop front with One Agency. The others required me to do that and their fees would have been 9 – 10% of my turnover and I didn’t see the value in that. Plus I didn’t see any additional value in their business models over and above what One Agency was offering.”

real estate brand

Agent Chooses One Agency Real Estate Brand

Shaun O’Callaghan joined One Agency in early 2016 after hearing about the brand at AREC.

Prior to that he had no idea that the unique One Agency platform existed. He had considered starting his own real estate brand or partnering with existing Victorian based franchises.

“I didn’t want to have to create a real estate brand from scratch and really liked that One Agency have fixed monthly fees, no financial reporting to head office and great transparency around the business model,” he says.

Shaun had been in real estate for 10 years and worked at Hocking Stuart prior to opening his own business, where he was voted ‘Agent of the Year’ in 2015. He’s an auction accredited agent and an industry commentator featured in Real Estate Business and on the Sky News Real Estate Program.

One Agency Shaun O’Callaghan cover the Surf Coast region of Victoria, including Torquay, Jan Juc and surrounds.

“Setting up a new business is daunting, but Paul Davies and the team at head office were very accommodating, informative and supportive, plus I have an incredible Operations Manager, Amanda Lee,” says Shaun. “We made a list and worked through it day by day. My wife Liz has also been heavily involved and supportive as well.”

Tom Panos

Tom Panos: How To Win More Listings

“The agent who generates the most appointments will win,” says Tom Panos, a leading real estate coach and trainer.

Those who want success the most are the ones who end up with it.

“If you want to win more listings, you simply have to see more people. The agent who generates the most appointments wins in real estate – end of story,” he says.

Successful agents are not only ok with rejection; they use it to propel them to continue prospecting.

“Establish yourself in the market, not in the office. Other agents in your office do not pay your wages. Vendors pay your wages. Let go of the addiction of being liked by everyone.”

Property makeover One Agency Belinda Grundy

Property Makeover – The Challenges for an Agent and Vendor

A well presented home helps an agent to sell a home more efficiently and more profitably.

That is undeniable. But behind every property makeover lies a tried-and-tested framework that will lead towards a more successful sale.

This framework is every Property Makeover Specialist’s mix of knowledge, methods, and principles, and is responsible for establishing a successful relationship between the Real Estate Agent, the Vendor, and the Property Makeover Specialist.

So what are the challenges that face both vendors and agents in successful property presentation?

Without prior experience of a property makeover, vendors may be confronted with a dilemma: they don’t know how and where to start. As an agent, you may not always know what to say, especially as you might not have secured the listing and don’t want to put vendors offside.  If you’re lucky, the vendor may know how a property makeover can help in terms of generating a profitable sale; they just don’t know the steps to take.

If they don’t see any value in a property makeover, this is where you can offer a quick reality check by showing examples of recent sales and how they were presented to help the vendor understand that their property is not in a competitive position to yield the desired sales results. However with some professional help from a Property Makeover Specialist, you can help your vendor to achieve a faster and more profitable sale.

Rob Groat Real Estate Franchise

Real Estate Franchise Principal Moves to One Agency

Prior to joining One Agency in January 2016, Rob Groat owned a Ray White franchise.

He wanted to seek a break from the traditional real estate franchise model which was becoming restrictive, increasing in cost and less personal to work under.  

Rob, who has been in real estate since January 2003, and his business partner, Tom Paton, opened One Agency Albury Wodonga on the border of Victoria and NSW. The opportunity to gain full control of their business and yet have the support of modern technology and marketing – plus the fact that they retain 100% of commission – were both major draw cards in their decision to join One Agency.

“We briefly thought about starting up as an independent agency,” says Rob, “but the work and worry of setting up the support structures and systems soon ruled that out. After a good deal of research we just couldn’t find any negative reason to not want to join One Agency and we had no concerns from that point that this was the correct move to make for our business.”

Making the decision to commit to a new career move is often terrifying. With a supportive network of fellow One Agency members, however, Rob was both well informed and well prepared when it came to making the final choice. Before opening the Albury Wodonga agency, he said he spoke to “6 to 8 established offices [of One Agency]”, all in various areas of Australia. Along with One Agency’s efficient and streamlined setup, the initial process ran – asserts Rob – ‘smoothly’.

Despite a smooth setup process and a supportive list of contacts, leaving a big agency like Ray White doesn’t come without an inevitable barrage of ‘what if’s?’ For Rob, it was a little under 5 years before he was finally able to put his desire to leave the company into action. Initially, fearing the enormity of setting up as an independent agency, he considered signing a new franchise. Fortunately, that changed when he was made aware of the One Agency brand and the freedom it would allow him as an agent and business owner.

foreign investment

Massive Enquiry for One Agency Licenses in NZ

One Agency Founder & CEO, Paul Davies visited New Zealand earlier this month, with John Stewart, a former industry leader across the Tasman, who spearheads the roll out of the brand and the One Agency Licenses into NZ.

They toured between the four main centres; Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin over five days and met with 21 groups of real estate agents interested in the One Agency Licenses.

“It was an absolute whirlwind tour for us and great to get back to my home country. The brand is generating a huge amount of interest over there with the business model  striking a timely chord with agents and office owners reviewing their share of retained income against the value delivered by their present employer or network,” says John.

There are two licensees already up and running since the Spring launch across the Tasman, with another five undergoing the set-up process. Three additional new members with licenses in place areas are about to commence setup.

“We’re able to offer a rapid turnaround once the paperwork is in place. We’ve had offices ready and listing property within a couple of weeks, such is the simplicity of the model driven by head office and our business partners,” he says.


Naomi Brooking Brooking Realty NZ

Market Leading Agent in NZ Chooses One Agency

Naomi Brooking and her team of five started up their business Brooking Realty with One Agency in New Zealand only four weeks ago and they are the 2nd member to join since the group expanded into NZ.

With a number of listings already being promoted, Brooking seems on course to maintain her market-leading record in the region.

They cover Tawa to Pukerua Bay and also Johnsonville to Kaiwharawara in the Wellington region of New Zealand.

She was in the process of purchasing a franchise of the real estate company she was working with, but when things became less appealing with the franchise option, Naomi considered going independent or approaching another boutique company where she’d previously worked, with the hope of setting up her own subsidiary under them.

Then she heard about One Agency launching in New Zealand and after researching the group thoroughly, she set up her business with One Agency.

“The business model made complete sense to me; that it isn’t a traditional franchise, the cost is also a lot less than a franchise, plus it has far less restrictions and excellent marketing,” she says.


Property makeover

Relationship Dynamics: Real Estate Agents and Property Makeover Specialists

In a busy market, taking advantage of favourable trends is key to staying competitive. Today, we look at the relationship dynamics between Real Estate Agents and Property Makeover Specialists.

In the real estate market, this means selling a property while the market is active and doing so as soon as possible. It looks simple but there’s a functional relationship – between Real Estate Agents and Property Makeover Specialists – at work which is integral to the competition-time-value component.

Real Estate Agents and Property Makeover Specialists share a common goal: working for the vendor to achieve the maximum competition to bid for the property, with the most effective marketing plan, and with the very best sales outcome.  With the dawn of in-depth sales disciplines, it’s become apparent that value-add transformation is key when marketing and selling a property.

Since Real Estate Agents cannot implement value-add changes on their own, they turn to Property Makeover Specialists to do the job. Hence the birth of what we call ‘property makeover to sell.’ But how exactly is this relationship mutually beneficial?

Gaven Whalley One Agency North Haven

Why Gaven Whalley Chose One Agency Over Independent

Real Estate business owner Gaven Whalley has been in real estate for the past 15 years and started One Agency North Haven on the Mid-North Coast of NSW almost three years ago.

He saw One Agency Kempsey and instantly liked the striking yet simple branding of the real estate business.

“As a long term local, the One Agency business model really fitted into my area. I liked the classy brand and the low fees. The fact that there aren’t too many constraints was also a big selling point for me,” says Gaven.

Gaven had owned two First National offices and sold them before starting up his One Agency business.

Independent, Licensee, Franchisee or Marketing Group?

If you’re a real estate agent navigating the minefield of setting up your own real estate business, no doubt you’re considering which business model will suit you and your wallet best. Will it be Independent, Licensee, Franchisee or Marketing Group?

But what is most important? Is it choosing the right business model? Or is the individual agent and their ability to attract listings more critical? We believe that the agent is the most important and key element to success, so there’s no one correct choice as to which business model is right for you.

Some recent statistics on a REB+ article called ‘Employer of Choice’ recently showed that a majority of agents want to start as an independent agency rather than entering via an expensive and tightly controlled franchise. Given the choice, most agents want the freedom to run their own business in their own way.

At One Agency, that’s what we offer. We attract many highly successful real estate agents who want to secure their own financial future by setting up a real estate business. Most of them have looked at the figures for setting up an independent brand and know that it will cost them big bucks and put unnecessary strain on a new business starting up. They also understand that it’s likely to take far longer to establish themselves in the marketplace.

News from One Agency Real Estate Group

One Agency Real Estate Business Expands

It’s been a busy month here at Head Office, with a move to a larger office here in the same building and as our real estate business expands, so does our One Agency family.

We’ve welcomed new members; Bryan Gamarra from Braddon in the ACT and Harry Triandas from Ramsgate in NSW. 

We are also in the process of signing up our first New Zealand members and are looking forward to establishing our One Agency across the Tasman as our real estate business expands there. We’ll be announcing who they are very soon.

Two of our Australian members have taken up 2nd and 3rd licenses, and another has taken up a 4th and 5th license, which is a great credit to them and shows how successful a One Agency real estate business can be.

If you haven’t already booked for our biggest event ever on Wednesday, 26 August 2015 at The Langham in Sydney then give us a call. You’ll have plenty of opportunity to meet other members and join in with our popular ‘sharing & learning session’ with our exclusive panel of One Agency members.

We also have Tom Panos, our favourite Real Estate Coach lined up to speak along with Phil Harris from Harris Real Estate who plans to share his ‘recipe for success’ with you all. At the end of the day there’ll be drinks & canapés in the drawing room of this beautiful hotel to unwind and socialise. Thanks to Rita who is doing a fantastic job and making it all happen.

To book please contact Rita Mann on 1300 79 23 88 or via email.

Lindy Harris One Agency

Why One Agency is the Perfect Fit for Real Estate Business

Lindy Harris found the perfect fit for real estate and started her real estate business with One Agency after working for an independent real estate agency where she ran the sales department.

“I figured that I might as well be doing it for myself, I’d always thought that I would open my own business one day and when I came across One Agency it seemed like the perfect fit for real estate and for me.”

Lindy opened One Agency Lindy Harris in the NSW Hunter Valley region, covering the Singleton, Broke and Branxton areas in February 2015.

She discovered the brand after attending a Lee Woodward seminar. Lee introduced her to Paula Taylor, who was one of the first members of the One Agency group.

John Stewart One Agency

Real Estate Business Network Plans Expansion Into New Zealand

This month we were delighted to announce a new addition to the team; John Stewart, who joins us to assist in the expansion of the group across Australia and across the Tasman for a positive impact for real estate in New Zealand.

Many people don’t realise that running a real estate business is within their ability, often dismissing the idea before exploring and understanding the options that are open to them. Now, the One Agency brand expands bringing opportunity to real estate in New Zealand.

Many of our new members comment that they wish they’d set up their businesses sooner. Often it’s fear that initially held them back, and then they make the move and tell us it was nowhere near as frightening as they expected it to be.

At One Agency we help you through those early stages, with support, advice and great systems in place to make the transition a smooth one.

As the group continues to spread through Australia, we’ve had to increase our staff at head office to manage this growth. This month we were delighted to announce a new addition to the team; John Stewart, who joins us to assist in the expansion of the group across Australia and into New Zealand.

News from One Agency Real Estate Group

One Agency Real Estate Group Conference 2015

We’d like to extend an invitation to all principals and staff to our biggest event ever on Wednesday, 26 August 2015 at The Langham, Sydney.


You’ll have plenty of opportunity to meet other members and join in with our ever popular ‘sharing & learning session’ with our exclusive panel of One Agency members.

We also have two great speakers lined up and at the end of the day there’ll be drinks & canapés in the drawing room of this beautiful hotel to unwind and socialise.


Tom Panos
Real Estate Advertising Director for News Ltd & Leading Real Estate Auctioneer

Tom is regarded as Australia’s premier authority on Real Estate marketing and considered by his peers and Australia’s leading real estate agents as the No. 1 educator and thought leader in his field. We are excited to have enticed him back to us for this event.


Phil Harris
Managing Director/Auctioneer, Harris Real Estate

Phil Harris is fast becoming one of the foremost real estate speakers in the country. As the founder and Managing Director of Harris Real Estate, Phil has a passion and acute knowledge of what it takes to become a market leader and enjoys inspiring others to do the same. He is always thrilled to share his experiences and ‘recipe for success’ with an audience.


One agency Conference Langham 2015


The cost is $395 + GST per ticket (bulk discount available for the purchase of 5 or more tickets per office). Please note that this is a not for profit event and represents exceptional value. Upon receipt of your payment, your ticket will be issued and your seat confirmed. Tickets are non-refundable, but may be transferred.

Invitations will be mailed out to members over the next few weeks. To book please contact Rita Mann on 1300 79 23 88 or via email.



At One Agency we are always open for a conversation, so if you have anything to say in response or have any questions, please contact us.

T  1300 79 23 88 
T  +61 2 8039 2110 (International)

Real Estate Business Sold

Growth In Real Estate Varied Significantly Across Australia 2014

What is the real growth in real estate? These days it appears that it’s impossible to paint a broad picture about Australia’s real estate market.

Marked difference for growth in real estate proves that each city appears to march to a very different drum, with figures for 2014 highlighting this discrepancy in the nationwide property landscape.

CoreLogic for 2014 show the difference in final quarter growth and year-on-year growth for 2014. While all cities experienced overall growth last year, not all of it was significant. It appears that Sydney has been growing at twice the pace of the rest of Australia, with Melbourne a not-so-close second in term of annual growth. Brisbane, missing in action for two years, found a late burst in 2014 while Perth, which rivaled Sydney and Melbourne in the growth stakes in 2013, slowed down markedly, recording the lowest capital growth of any city.

House price growth 2014:

House Prices Australia 2014

 RP Data CoreLogic House Growth November 2014 

Real Estate Business

Real Estate Business – Why Choose One Agency?

My real estate business… I’m often asked what inspired me to start One Agency. In truth, it was my wife Annie. They say behind every great man there’s a woman.

While I’m not a great man, there’s a great woman behind me. After 35 years in the industry I was able to draw on my experiences to develop a new and innovative business model that would serve agents better now and into the future, being a more sustainable model.

Annie sparked my thinking back in 2006 when I’d just sold a major franchise business and started a boutique business. I experienced first-hand how the advantages of a major franchise could blend with a boutique business (which is essentially what One Agency is) and that operating costs were the critical factor that determined success or failure.

I honestly I thought that straight away agents would be knocking down my door to join, but the first 10 were like pulling teeth! My belief in the idea kept me going… Now we appear to be an overnight success after 6 years! 

It was hard in the beginning but once members started to join, there was no going back. I always thought that if one agent was interested there must be two, and if there were two there would be 10, and if 10 agents agree with me there must be 100, and so on, and why not? I would constantly say that to myself. With that belief firmly entrenched in my mind, I knew it would only be a matter of time and perseverance.


One Agency Christmas

Merry Christmas ONE and All!

We hope you have a safe and Happy & Merry Christmas from all of us at One Agency.

Head Office will be closed until January 5th. If you are looking for ONE of our offices or agents please click here where you will find individual offices and member details.

If you are interested in finding out more about One Agency, check out our testimonialsread more here or send us an email


At One Agency we are always open for a conversation, so if you have anything to say in response or have any questions, please contact us.

T  1300 79 23 88 
 +61 2 8039 2110 (International)


One Agency Christmas 2014

A Toast to the Festive Season from Paul Davies MD of One Agency

It’s that crazy time of year again as we run around in preparation for the festivation season, attending school concerts and braving the Christmas shopping queues.

I’m sure that you’re all busy making sure that your sales, rentals and businesses are managed through the holidays of this festive season.

We’ve had another extremely productive year here at One Agency and have almost doubled the number of members joining the group. With one new member from the Northern Territory, we are now in all States and Territories of Australia. 

Rita and Karin have been joined at Head Office this year by Therese, Emma and Darelle. Between them, they’ve managed the huge growth we’ve seen, and I thank them all for their contribution to our group. The One Agency brand is getting more and more exposure in the market place and we look forward to welcoming in more real estate professionals in 2015.

With enquiries pouring in from across the Tasman, we are also investigating establishing operations in New Zealand, to offer these real estate agents the same great opportunity as our Australian members.

Many of you will be pleased to hear that we’ve been working on the new One Agency website and it’s looking great. It will be a beautiful design, easy to navigate and have lots of excellent new features. Launch is due early in the New Year.

Andrew Johns One Agency South

Agent Rebrands from a Leading Real Estate Franchise Group to One Agency

Andrew Johns had worked with real estate franchise LJ Hooker for 23 years when he first heard about One Agency. He researched the real estate group online and liked the concept of what the group offered.

Making the choice between a real estate franchise and an independent agency can be a real stumbling block as both offer advantages and disadvantages. Andrew looked at the Ray White, Harcourts and Realmark franchises and then weighed them up against starting a boutique brand of his own, before deciding to join the One Agency group.

“I liked the branding and its colours, but more importantly, I felt it would be a great advantage to be part of a group rather than acting independently,” he says.

Andrew set up One Agency South covering the Cockburn, Fremantle and Melville areas, South of the river in Perth, WA.

We were already trading as an LJ Hooker office so really it was just a rebrand. Paul Davies (MD of One Agency) visited our office on a couple of occasions and the team at One Agency head office were very helpful with any requests we had.”

One Agency Real Estate Group Showing Rapid Growth

We held our second One Agency Conference of 2014 at The Westin in Sydney last week with rapid growth and a record number of attendees in excess of 100 people. Managing Director, Paul Davies says:

“I can’t tell you how delighted we were with our ‘ONE Big Conference’, how inspiring it was to us and also to our members. We are seeing a rapid rate of growth which shows that ONE Agency has come a long way over the past five years. Membership is increasing steadily and we are on track to again double our numbers this calendar year.”

Most attendees agreed that Dr Fred Grosse was the highlight of the day. For those of you who couldn’t make it, we will be sharing the audio recordings of Dr. Grosse’s sessions very soon. The One Agency Member Panel boasted Anita Ellis-Case, Stephan Siegfried, Andrew Reeves, Vince Salvatore and Scott Crossman as contributors. This is always an extremely popular segment as members discuss their experience, videos and marketing ideas and share stories of their journey since joining the group.

One of our members said that they felt it was great value for money having seen Dr Fred Grosse on several previous occasions, at a much higher cost and his presentation at our conference was the best. Here’s some other feedback from our members:

One Agency Lindi Kim Sing

One Agent Loves The Freedom Offered By One Agency

Lindi Kim Sing first heard of One Agency when attending a Lee Woodwards Real Estate Academy training session. 

She noticed a number of One Agency Members, Tina Lee, Tony Quattroville, plus members from various Central Coast offices and on one of the days, she sat and chatted with them over lunch. 

“I liked the clever brand name of One Agency and we got talking about it, but using a franchise wasn’t a consideration for me at the time, as didn’t want to be tied up with the restrictions that it might have involved.”

Although One Agency isn’t a traditional franchise, Lindi was concerned about the potential restrictive nature of joining a real estate brand. She considered going out on her own even going into partnership with another local agent.  

In the end, it was a date that was the deciding factor for Lindi in setting up with One Agency and she joined on the 1st July 2014.

Prior to that Lindi had worked briefly with LJ Hooker in Balmain and for four years with Coopers Agency. Before setting up her business, One Agency Lindi Kim Sing in the inner-west of Sydney, Lindi spent three months working out where she would position herself in the market. She realised that the boutique agencies in her area are no longer boutique in their approach and so she found her point of difference and wrote a book called “House Proud”, which she uses alongside her pre-listing kit.

Elite agent

Could You Be The Next Cover For Elite Agent Magazine?

Elite Agent Magazine launched on September 15th 2014.

The Elite Agent Magazine is published every second month and has a circulation of 8,500 real estate offices around the country.

Each issue will feature an ‘Elite’ Agent on the cover and will run an interview with that agent. If you’re an agent who has achieved consistent results, has good standing in the real estate community and are above $250k in GCI per annum, then email the Editor, Samantha McLean. The cover agent is chosen at the Editor’s discretion.

Have you seen a copy yet in your office? If not click here to sign up or if you want extra copies or to have a copy mailed to a personal address, click here.


At One Agency we are always open for a conversation, so if you have anything to say in response or have any questions, please contact us.

T  1300 79 23 88 
+61 2 8039 2110 (International)

Tina Lee One Agency

Why Choose One Agency for Your Real Estate Business?

Each month we interview ONE of our members to discover their story and have them share their experience with us, and ask the question; why choose One Agency?

Under the spotlight this month is Tina Lee from One Agency Tina Lee in Chatswood, Sydney.Tina has worked in real estate sales for the past 10 years and she joined One Agency in October 2009 when she became one of our first members.

What do you love about your work in real estate? What drives you?
I’m lucky that the nature of real estate sales runs in line with my career mission: ‘To be a People Helper’. I’m driven by meeting and working with people from different walks of life and offer my professional advice and service to assist my clients in achieving their goals.

What attracted you to the One Agency business model?
I loved the industry but was not happy with the system of the previous company that I worked with in 2009.  So I needed to make a decision to either join another company or start my own. At that time, I saw Paul’s advertisement in the North Shore Times. I contacted him, we had a few meetings to understand his vision and the business model of the One Agency brand. The business model is very simple, flexible and cost effective and Paul is a very supportive leader. So I made my decision to join the group and haven’t looked back.

How is the brand working for you?
The brand provides a prestige and high-class image with all the materials that we use for marketing. Our clients love it as it really stands out from the crowd.  It also gives my company an image that we are part of the whole national group not just another independent brand.

Would you recommend One Agency to others?
Definitely! I would highly recommend our group to those who want to serve the industry in a more innovative business model. The support from Paul, head office and members of the group are great. Other members are very helpful and always willing to share their experience and ideas.  

Paul Davies Founder & CEO One Agency

Unexpected Windfall for a New One Agency Real Estate Agent

I just had to share this comment with you, from one of our newest members, about how things have been going for him since joining our One Agency Real Estate group.

‘Paul, I know you said we would be taking home a lot more money and I get that, but what you didn’t tell me, and I’m just delighted, is that I feel in control, and I feel fresh and I’m really happy. It wasn’t expected.’ I’m delighted to hear it. And it’s so true, I hear similar comments from new One Agency Real Estate members on a regular basis. So many of them say they can’t believe they didn’t make the move sooner.

Are you a real estate agent who wants to be your own boss and retain all of your hard earned commission with the support of a real estate network group? Or are you a real estate business owner who would like an alternative to typical franchising and to increase your profit margin?

Trevor Manwarring One Agency

Real Estate Business: We Ask Trevor Manwarring Why One Agency?

Each month we interview ONE of our members to discover their story and have them share their experience with us.

Under the spotlight this month is Trevor Manwarring from One Agency Manwarring Property Group in the Northern Rivers region of NSW, where he covers the areas of  Wollongbar, Alstonville, Goonellabah, Ballina and Lismore.

Trevor has worked in real estate sales for 19 years and he joined One Agency in September 2013. We asked Trevor to share his experience with us.

What do you love about your work in real estate? What drives you?
Helping people, whether buying or selling. I enjoy being able to help by taking away a lot of their stress and by guiding them in the right direction.

What attracted you to the One Agency business model?
I was in a position to stay where I was working at another agency and get no further ahead or go out and do my own thing, so I heard about One Agency and I contacted Paul Davies by phone. After a long discussion he convinced me to go to Sydney to one of their conferences to speak to other members that were already involved with the group as well as to get to meet Paul in person. The thing that impressed me the most was Paul’s vision and he also was quite particular on who joined the group to protect the name and its members. When I finished the conference I had no doubt about my future with One Agency and joined approximately one month later.

How is the brand working for you?
The brand has been excellent, people comment all the time how sharp it looks and how it stands out from our competitors. We even find that older people find it easier to read with the One Agency colours!

Would you recommend One Agency to others?
Yes, definitely. I always speak highly about the back up from Head Office and all of the other members, you only have to email or *Facebook or even call and there is always someone there to help. At One Agency we are all ONE. 

* One Agency has a closed Facebook Group Page where members can share ideas and knowledge between themselves, it’s a useful tool.

What do you think keeps your prospective vendors awake at night when they are considering listing their property?
Which agent should I be trusting with my biggest investment that I own to not just sell it, but to give the service and feedback that they expect and the best value in todays market.

News from One Agency Real Estate Group

Tom Panos Rocks the One Agency Conference at Surfers Paradise

We’ve had some fantastic feedback from our two-day conference and would like thank everyone who attended and helped to make it such a successful event.

“Our very first two-day interstate conference was a major success. From the amazing speakers like Tom Panos, who nobody ever tires of seeing, he is simply inspiring every single time, to our surprise speaker Dane Atherton, who also was a stand out. Gary Pittard also shared his vast knowledge providing a diversity of information. 

Julie Davis and Neil Williams provided a valuable personality profile, which is great to assist in staff selection. Denise Stanley also helped keep our members businesses compliant. Advenda announced a new economical price structure and Tony Chadwick from Rype Ideas discussed the advantages of Google Apps, which is included in the email accounts for members. The number ONE attraction was the sharing and learning session from our very own members. 

The evening soirée was our first such event and thanks to Annie was a great success. Kate Maday and husband Andrew took out the best dressed. The One Agency ‘family’ shared and cared for each other as we always do and a lot of laughs were had by all. 
One Agency to the fore!” Paul and Annie Davies.

Martin Merrit One Agency

Why Did Martin Merritt Choose Real Estate Brand One Agency?

Martin Merritt  joined One Agency in January 2014 after co-owning a Bevan’s franchise in the Illawarra Region.

‘I already had the premises and clientele I just needed the boutique brand and support without giving profit away.’ – Martin Merritt

Martin considered both the McGrath and Belle franchise models, but found it hard to justify the fees and restrictions. There were already three One Agency offices in the region and so he took a look at the One Agency business model and liked what he saw. He now owns One Agency Southern Division and they cover the south of Wollongong to Shellharbour.

‘I knew most of the OA members in my area and they have been an amazing support and really made me and my team feel welcome.’

Dean and Peter Harper One agency

ONE Great Real Estate Partnership

This father and son team from Launceston in Tasmania have gone from strength to strength since launching their real estate partnership One Agency Harper Property in July 2011.

‘Becoming the best agent and having the best agency in my area is what motivates me,’ said Dean, back at the beginning of 2013. ‘I want our little boutique office to be a real challenger to the other companies in our city, and that’s what really drives me. Competition!’

Dean and Peter Harper are well on their way to achieving this goal. They’ve  been selling homes in the Launceston area together for the last 12 years and have over 30 years of real estate experience between them. 

One Agency Harper Property took out the prestigious Best Small Agency of the Year award for Tasmania in September 2012 after just over 12 months in business and then they won again in 2013 – making them back-to-back winners! In the same year they were a finalist in the Launceston Chamber of Commerce awards for the Marketing category.  In March 2013 they were finalists for the Best Small Agency of the Year awards held at Parliament House in Canberra.  

They welcomed established and well renowned agent Katrina Coleman to their team in 2013 and in 2014 Josh Hart joined them, after working for six years at one of Launceston’s largest real estate agencies. Daisy Richardson completes this successful team as their administration manager and receptionist.

We asked Dean what attracted him to the One Agency business model?

‘I love the brand. I love the fact that we keep 100% of our fees. I love the support we give each other and being surrounded by other agents who are doing the same thing as me, running their own business!’